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Commonly Asked Questions - Employee Practices Liability Insurance

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EPLI Claim for Layoffs and Downsizing

October 16, 20231 min read

Does EPLI extend to claims related to layoffs and downsizing?

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) can extend to claims related to layoffs and downsizing, but the specific coverage may vary based on the terms and conditions of the EPLI policy.

Layoffs and downsizing can give rise to various employment-related claims, such as:

Wrongful Termination: EPLI typically covers claims of wrongful termination, including those related to layoffs and downsizing. If employees allege that they were laid off for unlawful reasons, such as discrimination, retaliation, or violations of employment contracts, EPLI can help cover the costs of defense and potential settlements or judgments.

Discrimination Claims: If employees claim that they were selected for layoffs based on discriminatory criteria, such as age, gender, race or disability, EPLI can provide coverage for the legal expenses associated with defending against these claims.

Retaliation Claims: Claims of retaliation can arise when employees allege that they were laid off in retaliation for engaging in protected activities, such as whistleblowing or filing discrimination complaints. EPLI can offer protection in such cases.

Contractual Obligations: If an organization has contractual obligations related to layoffs; EPLI can assist in managing claims arising from breaches of such agreements.

EPLI Claim for Layoffs and Downsizing
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